How To Use
Ever wondered what the difference between Adaptive, Responsive, Static and Liquid sites is? Had someone try and explain it only to be left more confused?
Pick a flavor from the drop down on the top of the page then drag your window narrower and wider, taller and shorter. It will make much more sense when you see for yourself how the approach works.

Adaptive is characterized by having defined layouts for different resolutions. Within each layout, resizing the window does not change the layout.
You can think of Adaptive as a series of Static layouts.
Liquid (also called "Fluid") is characterized by scaling the width of parts of the design relative to the window. It tends to fail when the window is much smaller or much larger than it was originally designed for.
Responsive is characterized by having defined layouts for different resolutions. Within each layout, the design is liquid and resizes the width of elements relative to the changing window size.
You can think of Responsive as a series of Liquid layouts.
Static layouts are the traditional web: one design that sits in the center of the page and requires horizontal scrolling if the window is too small for it. M dot sites are the traditional answer to this, providing a wholly separate site for a lower resolution - and all the work of creating a separate site.

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